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Av. Abedules 505, Los Pinos, 45120 Zapopan, Jal.
THA en adolescentes
Ortopedia Regenerativa 1
FxAdversos Botox en PCI
Ortopedia Regenerativa 2
USG en Trash elbow
Ortopedia Regenerativa 3
FxSuprac tecnica 2joystick
Ortopedia Regenerativa 4
Medicina Legal 1
Medicina Legal 2
AI in Fracture Detection
Treatment of Sarcopenia
Bone Graft Surgery
Nuevas Tecnologías
Sarcopenia after Atrhoplasty
History of Orthopaedic Suregry
Intraobserver and interobserver
Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Controversies in orthopaedic oncology
Variability in static alignment
Medicina defensiva. ¿Evitable?
Non‐operative Management and Outcomes of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome
Primary Hip Arthroscopy in Patients M With Acetabular Dysplasia
Medicina Legal 3
Impresión 3D
Mujeres en la Ortopedia 1
Negativa Impacts of Sarcopenia
Mujeres en la Ortopedia 2
Conceptual Defintiion of Sarcopenia
Dedifferentiation in bone and soft tissue sarcomas
¿Qué es la Ley CONACEM?
Nuevas Tecnologías y Biomateriales
Journal Ortopaedic Research
The anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament
A Systematic Review of Adjuvant Chemotherapy
A Majority of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Can Be Prevented
Artificial Inteligence in Fracture Detection
AI into Medical Education
The Journey of Arthoplasty
Ortopedia Prehispánica
Evaluating Agreement
Is Conversion TKA a Primary or Revision?
New advances in the treatment of chondrosarcoma
Aspetar clinical practice guideline on rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Artifical intelligence use in orthopedics
Exploring the potential of ChatGPT as a supplementary tool for providing orthopaedic information
Artificial intelligence in knee arthroplasty
Women in Orthopedics
Does a Career in Orthopaedic Surgery Affect a Woman’s Fertility?
Challenges Related to Family Planning, Pregnancy, and Parenthood Faced by Women in Orthopaedic Surgery
Módulo de Osteoporosis y Fragilidad
Optimal use of Bone Forming Agents in Osteoporosis
Global Conceptual Definition of Sarcopenia
Content Validity of SarQol
Preoperative Sarcopenia Severity
Does Sarcopenia Accompanying End-Stage Knee Osteoarthritis Affect the Outcomes following Total Knee Arthroplasty?
Excellence in orthopaedic surgery: an overview of Nobel Prize nominees
Historical perspectives—Eduardo R. Luque
History of rotator cuff surgery
Unusual Case of a Traumatic Proximal Humeral Physeal Fracture in an Adolescent
Análisis de Artículo Ortopedia e Industria
Ortopedia e Industria - Consideraciones Éticas
UK guidelines for the management of bone sarcomas
Artículo Ortopedia Oncológica
Artículo Trauma Deportivo
Running Shoes
Resumen Mujeres
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